Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Swimming again!

I'm going swimming tonight.  NO EXCUSES!  But let me tell you something.  My leg hurts.  I'm not sure what it is.  I was sitting at my desk today when all of a sudden it started hurting a lot more than it has since I got the stimulator.  I did everything I could think to do to get it to stop but nothing helped.  I'm hoping getting into the water tonight will help.

Hopefully there aren't too many people there tonight.  I think that might be part of the reason it hurts. I had to kick my legs a lot harder lats night to keep myself going in a straight line last night because of all the people, which means there was more pressure on my ankle.  Hopefully some Aleve and a nice slow night will do the trick.  If not I'll have to bow out early.

I was going to wear one of my dresses today, which would have meant heels.  I'm glad now I opted out of it and them.  I was also supposed to work on the wine I'm making with my family.  Thankfully it's not quite ready for the next step yet.  Things worked out pretty well for me today.  Hopefully by the time the wine is ready my ankle will be feeling better and will be able to stand as long as I'm needed.

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