Friday, August 31, 2012

Chillingly hot

I said in my last post it seemed summer might be coming to an end.  Well lately it seems like it.  It's been cold here at night and hot during the day.  This week we were in the 50s (F) every night but today, for example, it was in the mid 90s during the day.

These dynamic temperatures make it hard to determine how to dress in the morning.  Do I dress for the 50 degrees outside when I leave the house, or the 90 degree when I leave work?  It's nearly impossible to decide.  I usually opt for dressing to the heat and wrapping a blanket around my ankle when I'm in the office.

On top of the weather there's been a bit of stress in my life the lat few days.  Swimming last night helped me release some of the stress, but my ankle is still bothering me a bit.  I'm trying to relax right now (I'm sitting back with a glass of Pinot Noir and watching my favorite movie- The Princess Bride).  Hopefully after a good night's rest my ankle will be more cooperative.

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