Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winter :(

I'm really, really bad with titles. I'm always trying to come up with a title that properly summarizes the general idea on the subject of my blogs and I'm always really bad at it. I'll admit that it has prevented me from posting in the past, but I'm determined not to allow that to happen, so if you see strange titles that's why.

The weather here has been going between beautiful, sunny, and hot to cold, rainy, and a bit snowy. Winter is not far off :( I'm not prepared so I think I'll protest. If you see some crazy lady, walking with a limp, and holding a sign to the effect of "WINTER, GO AWAY!" it may or may not be safe to assume that's me. If snow is falling assume it's someone else.

So on to the pain. The CRPS has been flaring quite a bit lately. Work has been stressful, and again I haven't been sleeping well. Winter is likely to make the sleeping aspect worse. Thankfully there may be a light at the end of the stress tunnel at work. We've brought on some help, and hired some people that needed to be hired. That means there's a bit less work on my plate, or at least there will be soon. Yay for lights! It's been awfully dark in that danged tunnel lately.

I'm going to try to relax a bit tonight and hopefully by the time I go to bed the pain will have decreased a bit. Then maybe I'll get some sleep. That would be nice.

I've decided that considering this is a chronic pain blog, I should probably share my pain level at the time of my writing, so I'm going to try to do that and keep up with it. Right now my pain level is at a 6/10. That's better than even my best pre-SCS, but is pretty high for having the SCS.

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