Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A light at the end of the tunnel?

Shortly after my last post I broke my ankle (yup, the one with the RSD). It's been a long 4 weeks. I hadn't used crutches in such a long time I had almost forgotten how to use them. I've gotten the hang of it since, though.

I've been trying my best to keep it mobile and keep up with my PT, as per the doctor's instructions.

I had my check up with the orthopedic doctor today. He checked out my ankle, had me stand on it (which I managed to do for about .5 seconds), and told me it looks good. He said it seems to be healing, and it doesn't seem as though I've done any more damage than they had originally expected :D He scheduled a follow up for 6 weeks from now, but he said that if I'm walking on it in a month or so, I could call and cancel it.

It's nice to get some good news :)


Unknown said...

OMGoodness Girl!!

Please keep an eye on your ankle for any discoloration, etc. and on other places on your body that all of a sudden become painful. That RSD is some sneaking stuff about traveling your body and showing up elsewhere. (speaking from experience with that).

If you are walking on it in a month, please consider not canceling your appointment so he can recheck it as well as other painful places that might pop up.

I will keep you in thought and prayers for complete healing from not only this break, but from all effects of RSD!!

~Keep Safe!~

Coach Marla

Kelli said...

I will definitely keep an eye on it. If I see anything concerning I will follow up with the doctor, but honestly, although he had some experience with RSD, he was not a specialist. He verified a lot of his RSD information with me, so if I think it's okay, he'll go based on that even if I walk in to his office. We'll see what happens when the time comes.