Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is crazy

I know, I know... I haven't updated my blog in a long time. I kind of suck at this whole blog thing.

I'll start with an update on my ankle. I am now off crutches. It feels nice to be "walking" again. I still have quite the limp, and the pain can still be intense at times, but it has gotten much better. My pain levels have gone back down to a 4 or 5 when I first wake up, and only get bad later in the day. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health the last time I saw him. Eventually I'm sure the pain and limp will decrease. I just need to stay on it and keep working it.

My mom bought me Wii Fit Plus a few months ago and I was finally able to start using it in the beginning of January. I can't begin to express how much it has helped in the rehabilitation of my ankle. I told my orthopedic doctor about how I've been using it, and he gave his stamp of approval. He said it should aid in my recovery. He also clued me in to a new game for the Wii, which I'm excited to try at some point. It's the Wii Resort, or something like that. I'll have to look in to it.

Work has been insane lately. My boss brought in some help, and both of the new hires are great. Hopefully we'll be able to catch up a bit. I'm in the process of training one of them now, so hopefully soon she'll be able to pick up some of the slack.


Anonymous said...

So I just found your blog and have been reading your story and find that mine is similar. I was diagnosed with CRPS 5 years ago. Three years before my diagnosis I shattered my left ankle in 2 places, had screws put in, then taken out 2 years later and throughout this time i was in and out of a wheelchair. They thought i still had pain because of the screws but once they were out and my pain still got worse i went to a pain clinic and was diagnosed. Like you I thought this gave me hope but after they tried a series of nerve blocks and acupuncture which didnt work they sent me to the Rehab Institute of Chicago for a intense month long program that taught me to deal with my pain for the rest of my life through physical/occupational therapy,biofeedback (life saver), and some other stuff. This has helped me but I still suffer because well as you know the pain is never going to go away... i have never met anyone else with this and your blog means a lot

Jennie B

Kelli said...


I'm so glad you found my blog and it has been helpful to you. I'm sorry, however, for the reason that lead you here.

If you're looking for companionship in this disease, I encourage you to check out my links to the right of the screen. USARSD is a very informative website, and has a loving community in the forum area. Unfortunately the forum has been somewhat slow lately, but some of us are still posting and would love to have you join us.