Friday, November 26, 2010


I'M ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that absolutely required yelling and all of those exclamation points. I'm so very happy that I have a full 4.5 day weekend. Oh, did I not mention I also got out of work early on Wednesday which gave me that extra half day? It's going to be great.

So Wednesday night we went to a concert. My husband's coworker's band was playing their first show so we went out to support them. I hadn't slept well Tuesday night and the show didn't start until 10 pm, so by the time we got there I was exhausted and in quite a bit of pain. I turned my stimulator way up, and sat back to enjoy the show. We made it to the end, made a quick exit, and were back home by 12:15. Then I went directly to bed, and slept until about 9 the next morning. By the time I woke up I was still exhausted, but I certainly got a full night's sleep. It was wonderful and worked wonders for my leg.

We went to my Mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving dinner. It was nice to spend time with the family. It was really relaxing. Then we went to bed early again last night. My leg barely hurts at all this morning. I'd say the pain level is right around a 2/10. I can't remember the last time it was this low. This is going to be a great vacation!


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