Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ugh, winter :(

I used to love winter.  It used to be my favorite time of year.  I remember playing King of the Mountain atop the skyscrapers of snow left at the end of our driveway with my family and friends.  Skiing and sledding were some of my favorite ways to pass the time.  Who can beat coming inside after making a snowman, dripping with melting snow, to a waiting fire and a big cup of hot chocolate?  Ah the memories.... but not anymore.  I can't go out and make a snowman anymore.  There's no more snowmobiling, skiing, sledding, snowmen, snow angels, King of the Mountain, or snow dripping from everywhere (even off the hat on my head).  The Winter wonderland I remember from my childhood is now far out of my reach.  At least there's still waiting fires and hot chocolate... well sometimes.
Now those wonderful winter memories have been replaced with constant pain that keep me firmly seated in the present.  I can never warm my leg up.  I have layers of blankets on my bed, I wake up in the middle of the night sweating, but still the leg is chilled to the bone.  I HATE winter now.  Don't get me wrong, my stimulator helps a great deal, but even with the stimulator the pain never goes away.  The warmth never returns (not that I would expect that to happen), and I'm left longing for the winters of my childhood.
All I can do now is to find indoor activities to keep my mind off the cold and pain.  Like tonight.  The family is having a murder mystery dinner, and as of last night I'm in charge of running the game.  It should be a ton of (warm) fun, and hopefully the pain will stay away.
Current pain level: 6/10 :(

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