Sunday, November 16, 2008

10 days down...

This is the first time I've been able to post since the surgery. It went well, and I am now the proud owner of a Spinal Cord Stimulator :)

There is good news and bad news associated with the latest surgery. We'll start with the good news, because I like to be optimistic. My pain levels are so low right now. I couldn't have imagined this kind of relief from the RSD pain. My pain level is down to about a 2 right now.

Then comes the bad news.... this is not meant to scare anyone away from SCS. I hope it will enlighten anyone considering a permanent implant, though. Keep in mind that everyone's experience will be different.

I didn't feel entirely prepared for the post-op experience. I knew it would be painful, but not as bad as it was. The first day I fainted from the pain twice. The doctor didn't warn us that this might be a problem, so the second time it happened (at 1:30 in the morning); my husband was on the phone to talk to my doctor. I have to admit this was terrifying. The doctor assured us that the fainting was due to the pain, and was nothing to worry about. I just needed someone with me 24/7.

By the afternoon following my operation, I was beginning to get sick from the Vicodin I had been put on. I was vomiting from it, but was unable to lift my head, so that was quite an experience. We called the doctor and asked what we should do, and he prescribed morphine to get me through the pain. Within a day I was vomiting from that as well, so I stopped taking the pain killers. That definitely was not conducive to pain relief.

3-4 days after the surgery my back started feeling a little better. The pain levels had gone down to a level I could at least tolerate. Then the headache started. The doctor says it may last from a few days to a few weeks. It’s still not gone, but I’m beginning to feel better.

My back is still sore. I can’t sit for very long before it gets too sore and I need to lie down. I can’t wait until this pain is gone. It shouldn’t be long now, although the doctor wants to write me an excuse from work for the next month. He said if I feel ready to go back sooner he can write me a release, and I’m sure that will happen.

So all that having been said, I feel the need to say that I do think it is well worth it. I’m ecstatic to be able to walk without a limp. It’s amazing. Before long I’ll be back to normal, but I won’ have to deal with the insane pain I was feeling before the operation. I can’t wait.

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