Saturday, October 18, 2008

The operation

The pain in my back has subsided enough that I think I can post about the operation.

I got there at 1:00 PM on Thursday, October 16. I got there and they asked me to fill out a bunhc of paperwork about my health history, etc. I found that a bit wierd, since they had called me about all that stuff on Monday. I filled it out and handed it to the nurse who was to bring me back to my pre-op room.

We get into pre-op and she looks at my wirst and asks what I'm allergic to. I told her that I had seasonal and environmental allergies, but beyond that none. She asked a bunch of questions about allergies and then said "well they should have given you a blue wrist band instead of a red one." That kinda wierded me out too.

They got me all set up and my husband came in and stay with me while the doctors came in and explained the procedure. Come to find out they had my paperwork mixed up with someone else's so they had to have me re-sign a bunch of papers and fill them in again.

My husband left and they started wheeling me into the operating room. I have to admit I was terrified. I wasn't looking forward to the pain I knew I was going to have to endure. I get into the operating room and move over onto the operating table, face down. That's not the most comfortable position when you have an oxygen tube hanging out of your nose.

I remember the anesthesiologist putting some opaque, white fluid into my IV, and thinking "OUCH! couldn't you have pushed that in a bit slower?" and that is it. The next thing I remember the doctor was saying "That's the fastest this has ever gone" and the anesthesiologist assuring me that was a good thing. During the operation they gave me a light sedative and they woke me up and put me into a deeper sleep as needed. I was in that room for no more than 20 minutes, because 30 minutes after my husband walked out of the room they were calling him back in to sit with me.

Immediately I noticed that my RSD pain had decreased. My pain levels were about 60% less than they were when I went in to the pre-op room. The rep. from the stimulator company worked with me to find out which programs I should try over the week. I start playing with them, and recording what I like and dislike about each, on Monday.

So to the good news (keep in mind this is only after a couple of days):
I went in with CRPS pain that I rated at an 8-9/10. I came out with a pain level of 4/10.
I can touch my leg without causing myself any extra pain.
The color in my right leg has returned to normal.
The pain in my leg doesn't seem to increase with the cold.

I have pics of me pre-op and of my bandaging on my back. When I find the cable for my cell phone I'll post them here.

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